Hills is now distributing the new entry level TruVision TVN10 range which provides the next level of security for Hills customers.
“This is an important release for Hills as the NVRs can be integrated to the Tecom series Software such as Security Commander 2.1 and Forcefield 7.1,” said Kobi Benshabat, Security Practice Lead for Hills.
“It allows us to offer our customers the next level in security solutions. The plug and play TruVision solution provides customers with the opportunity to enhance their existing alarm systems,” said Kobi Benshabat.
TruVision will provide video verification on alarms triggered from these access control systems.
The video Integration in the Tecom management software enables common alarm, access, and video management tasks to be performed from a single user interface. This greatly simplifies operation for the end user by allowing visual verification of alarms and other occurrences, such as door access events.
Video footage can be linked to alarm events to provide visual verification of the reported alarm. This means that users can instantly recall footage based on an event, rather than having to manually search through hours of footage. The retrieved footage can then be exported directly to a USB key.
“This product interfaces with so many systems already distributed by Hills so is appealing to many of our existing customers, as well as giving us the opportunity to open up to a new market,” said Kobi Benshabat.