Combat System Integrator welcomes future frigate announcement
The country’s largest combat systems integrator, Raytheon Australia, has welcomed the Government’s announcement that a selection of a Combat Management System for the Future Frigate has been made.
“The selection of a Combat Management System is the necessary first step to establish Australia’s Future Frigate project and I am delighted the Government has made its decision,” said Michael Ward, managing director of Raytheon Australia.
“The selection of the Aegis weapon system as the Combat Management System is incredibly important to Australia’s alliance with the United States and will ensure maximum interoperability with the United States Navy as well as other Aegis equipped nations in the region, Japan and South Korea.”
“Just as the early selection of Aegis for the Air Warfare Destroyer laid the foundation for a flawless combat system design and integration activity by Raytheon Australia, this announcement sends an important message that vital decisions for the future frigate project are now being made.”
“While selecting Aegis demonstrates the importance of US interoperability and commonality with the AWD, the decision to utilise Saab’s 9LV to provide the national interface means that the Government is also focused on Australian industry.”
“The frigate’s combat system is what will give the vessel its lethal capability and the system’s design and integration is an incredibly complex task. By making these selections the Government is also making clear the importance it places on a separate, capable and experienced combat system integrator who can integrate these individual elements. Along with the selection of the designer, the choice of the combat system integrator is the next important decision to be made.”
“On the back of over five million hours of combat system integration work on the Air Warfare Destroyer, Raytheon has over 300 employees in Adelaide who can be applied to the Future Frigate project in such a role.”
“A decision to select Raytheon Australia as combat system integrator would build on the national investment already made on the AWD programme where the company successfully delivered the combat system. Moreover, this would ensure combat system integration in Australia, by Australians who already possess the necessary skills and experience.”
“Not only would this secure the future of Raytheon’s Adelaide workforce but allow the company to fully involve Australian SMEs including its network of 500 combat system related suppliers.”
“Step by step the Government has made the necessary decisions to progress the Future Frigate project. This announcement on the Combat Management System is a very important one. The Australian public and the nation’s defence industry should have every confidence that the naval shipbuilding plan is now being put into action.”