Report Finds IT Professionals Back a Regulated AI Roll Out


SolarWinds’ just-released report, 2024 Global IT Trends Report, AI: Friend or Foe?, reveals that most Australian IT professionals think AI will positively impact their company, but they also want increased regulation.

The report found that 95% of local IT professionals believe AI will have positive impacts. However, they also want increased government regulations to address security (70%), privacy (66%), and combating misinformation (55%). Some 13% of respondents said AI would negatively impact their specific role.

The report surveyed around 700 IT professionals about their views on artificial intelligence. It found that despite a near-unanimous desire to adopt AI technology, very few respondents have confidence in their organisation’s readiness to integrate AI, pointing to limitations in data and infrastructure and security concerns.

“While talk of AI has dominated the industry, IT leaders and teams recognise the outsized risks of the still-developing technology, heightened by the rush to build AI quickly rather than smartly,” said SolarWinds Krishna Sai. “With the proper internal systems in place and by prioritising security, fairness, and transparency while building AI, these technologies can serve as a valuable advisor and coworker to overworked teams, but this survey shows that IT pros need to be consulted as their companies invest in AI.”

Almost half of respondents (46%) want their company to move faster in implementing AI despite costs, challenges, and concerns. However, only 43% are confident that their company’s databases can meet the increased needs of AI. Moreover, even fewer (38%) trust the quality of data or training used in developing AI technologies.

Key takeouts from the report include:

  • AIOps drives efficiency and productivity: IT pros cited AIOps as the AI technology that will have the most significant positive impact on their role (31%), ranking above large language models and machine learning. More than a third of respondents (38%) said their companies already use AI to make IT operations more efficient and effective.
  • Distrust of data powering AI: Only 38% of respondents are very trusting of the data quality and training used in AI technologies, and rank data quality as a major barrier to AI adoption, second only to security and privacy risks. Because of this, today’s IT teams see AI as an advisor (33%) and a sidekick (20%) rather than a solo decision-maker.
  • Privacy and security concerns are barriers to AI adoption: Respondents overwhelmingly named privacy and security concerns as the most significant barrier to AI integration. When asked about their challenges with AI, four out of 10 (41%) respondents said they’ve had negative experiences. Of those, privacy concerns (48%) and security risks (43%) were most often cited as the reasons why.
  • IT professionals call for government regulation: IT pros specifically call for increased government regulations to address security (72%) and privacy (64%). More than half of respondents also believe government regulation should play a role in combating misinformation, as training AI models, including data quality, is a matter of both ethics and security.

The respondents said that organisations must develop thorough policies on ethics, data privacy, and compliance, pointing to ethical considerations and concerns about job displacement as other significant barriers to AI adoption. The SolarWinds report found that more than a third of organisations (35.6%) still lack these policies to guide proper AI implementation.

You can read the full report here.


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