The SkyStar 140 has been launched, a cellular geo-location-mounted mini-aerostat at DSEI Japan. This unique Search & Rescue system enables the rapid location of missing and trapped people following any natural disaster or terror incident, and in combat zones.
The SkyStar 140 can monitor any arena, operating in heavily-damaged urban sites as well as in open areas affected by hurricanes and floods. Carried in backpacks by a team of two or by any vehicle including pickup trucks or ATVs, the system can be ready for deployment within ten minutes after arrival at the arena. Easy to operate, its quick activation ensures a rapid response in cases where time is critical in helping the injured and saving lives.
The SkyStar 140 system includes an active multi-band, multi-technology IMSI catcher to trigger idle cellular phones, an advanced Direction Finding/Geo-Location system to detect and locate mobile signals, three low-SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) passive sensors carried by three mini-tactical SkyStar aerostat systems, and a ground control application.
Information is processed and transmitted to the ground unit which calculates and displays a 3D geo-location of the cell phone.
Soaring to an altitude of 1500 ft, the high-precision system is accurate within only a few meters, and provides long operational endurance. The system is independent, not requiring the use of local mobile networks, and supports all types of cellular networks.
CEO of RT Aerostat Systems, Rami Shmueli, said: “The new technology has helped us bring a precision lifesaving system to the Emergency Services sector, especially after the recent earthquakes in Turkey. The integration of the NRE systems has created an advanced solution that enables situational awareness, rapid response, and access to any disaster arena. We believe this solution will greatly assist Search & Rescue teams around the world.”