FPT Industrial has produced the 10,000th Cursor 13 NG engine, rolling off the line of its plant in Bourbon-Lancy (France) on March 9th.
First unveiled in Turin (Italy) in October 2017 during the FPT Tech Day, the Cursor 13 Natural Gas engine is produced at Bourbon-Lancy, the FPT Industrial plant located in the Burgundy region of France. The Cursor 13 NG delivers power up to 460 hp @ 1,900 rpm and torque up to 2,000 Nm @ 1,100 rpm. Cursor 13 NG runs on 100% Natural Gas and can run on both CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). The biomethane solution is capable of reducing CO₂ emission levels to near zero. The Cursor 13 NG complies with Euro VI Step C emission limits with a simple and easy-to-install three-way catalyst with no-EGR, no-SCR and no-DPF (regeneration free solution). The engine’s CO₂ emission level is significantly lower (-9%) compared to Diesel and can reach near zero when using bio-methane. At the same time, Cursor 13 NG enables a 98% PM reduction and NOx emissions which are 48% lower when compared to Euro VI compliant Diesel engines. Furthermore, Natural Gas engines decrease noise pollution with a smoother and quieter engine combustion cycle, significantly reducing vehicle noise pollution during operation to less than 71 dB.

“Bourbon-Lancy employees”
It is the employees at Bourbon-Lancy who deserve the credit for having reached the important milestone of the 10,000th Cursor 13 produced. This strong, highly skilled and cohesive team was also supported by a new and very innovative group of work companions: the Sherpa smart & mobile collaborative robots. The future industry 4.0 standard is embodied by these collaborative robots, produced by Sherpa Mobile Robotics, as they make transporting loads and material handling even easier. Furthermore, they streamline flows, save space and increase flexibility all along the entire production chain, as they can autonomously locate themselves in their working environment and have no dedicated trajectories.
The SHERPA-B models working at Bourbon-Lancy are dedicated to transporting containers, but they can also be used as a temporary base for some mounting operations. Being extremely agile thanks to their small size (950x600x650), they can load up to 200kg and move at a speed of up to 7 km/h. Their main role is to supply the various working stations along the production line in full safety, zeroing the risks of manually handling heavy parts and helping each worker concentrate exclusively on the task in hand.
“10,000 Cursor 13 NG engines is an incredible achievement”, says Luc Bernardini, Bourbon-Lancy Plant Manager. “But for me, is yet further confirmation of the excellence of our entire team and of the superiority of our products in enabling a safe and productive energy transition for all our customers.”