Amazon has released a position paper on the design, management and operations of the airspace for the safe and efficient integration of low-altitude small unmanned aircraft systems. Amazon anticipates this model will be refined over time, and will work in close collaboration with public and private industry on the development of an approach that is safe and efficient for all types of operations.
Amazon believes the current model of airspace management will not meet future sUAS demands, particularly highly-automated, low-altitude commercial operations. A paradigm shift in airspace management and operations is necessary to safely accommodate the one-operator-to-many-vehicle model required by large-scale commercial fleets. While more research is needed to identify exactly how an air navigation service provider (ANSP) will evolve to support high-volume sUAS operations, it is Amazon’s position that the projected industry growth also requires the delegation of responsibility for many traditional air navigation services, such as navigation and air traffic control and communication.
The full document can be obtained at https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2182311-amazon-revising-the-airspace-model-for-the-safe.html