Australians are flying drones in record numbers. More drones in the sky means it’s important we all understand the rules that keep us safe.
Excluded category flight notifications – tell us before you fly
If you’re flying an RPA that weighs 2 kg or less or you’re flying over your own land using a drone that is 25 kg or less, this means you’re flying — or planning to fly — under the excluded category. Operating in this category means you must follow the standard operating conditions, notify us of your intent to fly and keep proper records. You can now submit excluded category notifications via myCASA. If you’ve previously notified us, you do not need to submit a new notification unless that notification has expired, you get a new drone, want to fly a different type of drone or change the weight of your drone (such as adding new equipment or other modifications).
Flying for fun in special circumstances
We’ve made it easier for you to apply to operate model aircraft (anything being flown for fun, including drones) in some locations where additional permissions and approvals are required. For example, operating within 5.5 km of a controlled aerodrome, above 120 m, part of a model flying display or flying first person view (FPV). You do not need to hold a remote pilot licence (RePL) or remote operator’s certificate (ReOC) to apply for these permissions or approvals. Visit our website to find out more.
Ensuring the safety of other aircraft
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) recently reported, the number of manned aircraft experiencing near encounters with a drone increased significantly since 2016. The study uses information over the 10-year period from 2010-2019. Remember, you must not operate your drone in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft. That means, with some exceptions, you must not fly within 5.5 km of a controlled aerodrome or higher than 120 m. Review the rules and download a CASA-verified safety app to find out where you can and can’t fly your drone.
Are you flying for business?
If you’re operating a drone or remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) for business or commercial use in the excluded category, your business should have an organisation aviation reference number (ARN). Australian businesses and organisations can now apply for an organisation ARN online via myCASA. It’s quick and easy and means your business will be set up for future online interactions with us. You will require a myCASA account and an individual ARN to apply. Make sure you have your organisation’s ABN handy and you are authorised to apply on its behalf. If you’re flying under a ReOC and are the CEO or Chief Remote Pilot, you will already be able to access your ReOC’s profile in myCASA when you log in.
Give us your views
We’re increasing our digital service offering so you can interact with us when and where it’s convenient for you. We regularly undertake research and testing to improve our services and products. Research activities include online tasks, face-to-face sessions, focus groups or phone interviews to discover how you find and use our information and services. If you’d like to participate in future research activities, you can register your interest via our website. Anyone can register, but we particularly want to hear from you if you hold a remote pilot licence (RePL) and use an iOS or Android device.