Flinders Uni Masters Student Interns at Exail


Flinders University masters student Jeremy Wojak has completed a six-month internship at Exail’s Brest facility in France, where he made significant contributions in maritime autonomy and robotics.

Wojak was selected for the internship with Exail, a leader in robotics technologies, as part of a research and development collaboration between Exail, Flinders University and ENSTA Bretagne.

Supported by the Nicolas Baudin Travel Grant, the experience allowed Wojak to work on cutting-edge underwater vehicle applications and was a vital step in his academic and professional journey.

Exail is a high-tech industrial company specialising in cutting-edge robotics, maritime, navigation, aerospace and photonics technologies. Wojak worked closely with Exail Robotics’s Marine Data Processing Product Manager and Brest Site Manager Sébastien Tauvry, and Flinders University’s Professor Karl Sammut, gaining invaluable insights into real-world applications.

“This was a remarkable opportunity for me to grow as both a researcher and a professional,” Wojak said. “The projects I worked on have significantly improved my skills while contributing valuable research to Exail. This experience has deepened my understanding of specific challenges within the maritime technology sector.”

“This internship was the result of several years of contact with Professor Karl Sammut and his team,” said Exail’s MCM & DW Product Line Director Daniel Scourzic. “Exail wishes to continue its collaboration with Flinders and will be glad to welcome other Flinders interns in the future.”

Professor Sammut, from Flinders University’s College of Science and Engineering, agreed. “Our students continue to benefit from valuable overseas study and work experience with the help of the Embassy of France in Australia internships under the prestigious 2019 Nicolas Baudin internships in Australia initiative,” he said. “We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Exail.”


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